The Moral Imperative of this Election

Drive 4 America believes there’s a moral imperative to support every eligible voter’s desire to cast their vote and to then have their ballot counted.

This election will likely be looked back upon by historians as the most consequential event in our recent history. Let’s make sure they frame it as a legitimate expression of the will of the American people.

While it is true that every eligible voter has a right to vote, given how polarized the political landscape has become, many on both sides believe that we also have a responsibility to vote. The reason is simple. As different as the candidates are in almost every race, this election cycle is about so much more than the candidates or their policies. This election is about us. Will democrats, independents, republicans, et al choose to express their desires for a society, for themselves and for their children, that they believe is more in line with their values? Or, will they stay home?

As a start to a better future, let’s each do what we can, here in this group, to make sure that kindness and fairness are upheld in every post and in every comment. If you read something that’s unkind or seems unfair, please do not add fuel to it. There’s enough of that already.

Soon, Drive 4 America will announce something that’s a little crazy, but also crazy important – a plan to hit the road. We hope you’ll support the movement here, and consider joining us in some capacity.