Addressing Pushbacks

The challenge my former colleague posed was to question whether the Drive 4 America concept was a good use of time, money and resources. My answer was a definitive yes.  Our movement will not only complement existing voter turnout efforts, but also go beyond them by funding the protection of at-risk polling places and demanding a fair election result. 

The circumstances of this election are unique and unprecedented.  Chief among them is the pandemic.  It has compromised how we do relational organizing and how we must execute our voter turnout tactics.  It also impacts how voters make decisions and then act on them. This is unsettling, particularly when combined with the fact that many believe that our election playing field is far from level.

On both sides of our polarized political spectrum, it appears that people have more reasons than ever before to vote against someone or something.  In such a climate, emphasizing the importance of voting, through a highly-publicized grass-roots movement, should motivate higher voter turnout.  So while campaigns do most of the heavy lifting, we the people can make a meaningful contribution. That’s where Drive 4 America will play a role – by filling an unprecedented void and setting a unique example.

Over the coming weeks, a powerful network of us is going to peacefully but deliberately mobilize ourselves nationwide, and come together in Washington D.C. We will attract local, national and international media to a highly coordinated demand movement that’s focused on our three objectives (see About).  Please join our Facebook group. Together, we must meet this moment.